If Only I could 3-D print a …?


Ribcage?  Violin? Yes, 3-D printing has come a long way since it became a thing.  I remember when it was all the rage to 3-D print stuff and it was nothing terribly impressive other than the fact that it was actually being done.  Then it seemed like every book and movie had a 3-D printed gun that was snuck through security for espionage and intrigue.  So, what’s the newest?  Well, let me tell ya…

I had the good fortune to meet an amazing woman 8 years ago and got to know her story and become her close friend. Part of the story was her other half, Sean Riley.  The two are definitely what we today call a “power couple” in that they are each wildly talented in their own rights, while being even stronger as a couple.   Sean is a master violinist, and that comes with several levels of independent third-party validation.  He teaches at the world’s leading conservatories and has been a guest violinist for just about anyone who is anyone.  You can be impressed here:  https://seanrileyviolin.com/about-sean

So, what does a master violinist have to do with 3-D printing, you may wonder?  Plenty!  Only this guy would want to play a certain piece of music requiring a six string electric violin, a not widely available instrument.  And in the vein of Get It Done, he had it 3-D printed.  There is certainly some nuance in the full completion, and I encourage you to watch the 3.5 minute documentary here:

If that doesn’t blow your socks off, I got another one for you.  I have a friend I have known for close to 20 years; from bachelor to suburbanite.  I also had the good fortune to meet his other half, Sunny.  Her story is definitely still being written, and this week is MONUMENTOUS.  Sunny is going to be the first woman and second American to receive a 3-D printed ribcage.

The saga started in 2016 when she had a tumor removed and they took a bunch of her sternum and ribs on both sides.  Her chest was stabilized by titanium rods and plates, until the hardware failed.  Now, she is at risk of her vital organs being punctured by this metal cage.  Mayo Clinic is assisting Sunny to get the StarPore® ribcage.  An Australian company has developed a porous and flexible material for 3-D printing ribcages that are saving people’s lives. 

Please join me in saying a prayer over Sunny as she undergoes this innovative procedure and recovery.  Her story can be found here:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/sunny-platz?qid=63be20cc895b13870f7a20bd8e6a9766

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