If only there was a pirate band…

pirate ship

Oh wait – there was!  I was in Southsea / Portsmouth, UK visiting some friends and they threw out that we had the option to go to a pirate event.  Well, it is not a well kept secret that I LOVE all things pirate.  I even tell bad pirate jokes as often as I can.  And unfortunately, I have developed a weird habit of when I tell a joke I pirate – close one eye and laugh.  I assure you I did not start doing it to be a pirate, rather I noticed I do it and it just makes sense.  Sorta.  Don’t judge.

So… the pirate band was as absolutely terrific and terrible as I had hoped.  Here is a you tube video of them performing this year, just not the venue I attended.

The Old Time Sailors at The Great Estate Festival, Cornwall 2022 – YouTube 

We were there almost 2 hours and I am pretty sure it was the same song the entire time.  At one point my friend and I joined the conga line.  No good ever comes from a conga line as it eventually has to end but nobody wants to be that person.  Aaarrrrrhhhh

If Only extras:

Why is pirating so addictive?  They say once ye lose yer first hand, ye get hooked!

Do pirates enjoy fighting?  Sword of…

I can give you more if you want.  😊

If you find you are not into pirates, please visit the If Only Recipes in the earlier blog post on Tequila https://if-only.net/if-only-i-knew-what-the-different-types-of-tequila-are-i-would-have-gotten-the-right-one/ and you will soon be on your way…

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