If Only I could live on a cruise ship…

cruise ship at sunset

I’ve temporarily sailed away, but more info coming soon! Nah, just kidding.

Tired of getting in a car and driving to the gym, a restaurant for dinner, the doctor’s office?  Tired of getting on a plane to go somewhere to see a beautiful sunset over the water?  Would if you could just saunter down the hall and do all those things and more?  Yep, if you are super wealthy or have a high paying job, you can live on a cruise ship.  🚢

There are a few options out there presently for the decadent living on a cruise ship life:

The World is currently available, but all pricing information is a bit hidden.  I think we all know why.  The World – Luxury Residences at Sea (aboardtheworld.com)

The one coming in 2025, to a port near you, is the MV Narrative by Storylines.  It is supposed to be considered “affordable” for living on a cruise ship with an entry point of buying a small studio with no windows for under $1m or a 12-year lease for $300k.  If you think about living in Tokyo, NYC or Singapore, that may not be too far off.  Remember, you are on a cruise ship for actual views, and you could own it.   Storylines Brochure | Around the World Cruise

The third cruise ship that is supposed to be in process is Blue World Voyages.  Unfortunately, all information is from 4-5 years ago and the website is mute about when it will actually be available.  Ocean-Going Lifestyle. Ocean-Going Residences for Sale. – Blue World Voyages

The impetus behind this post is a recent article about the MV Narrative and why a 28-year-old California tech guy is moving to the boat.  As you can see in the brochure, the cruise ship comes complete with regular condo living amenities including private kitchens, an exercise center, a library, a bank, and co-working space for getting the job done.  But it also includes the typical cruise ship amenities: 20 restaurants and bars (including a champagne and whisky bar and cigar lounge), a spa, three swimming pools, medical services, and theaters for movies and performances.  All this as you cruise for three years to circle the world once you leave Split, Croatia.  This takes work from home to a whole new level!

If you own one of these residences and would like to rent it out for a week, I am a very clean blogger and won’t mess it up.  😉

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