
If Only I had a fluffle…

When we were in grade school, English wasn’t very often a titillating experience unless we learned preposterous words to make us giggle.  The concept of a fluffle of bunnies and a gaggle of geese is not only good for getting a smile going, but you could also win some non-serious trivia competitions.  Collective nouns are […]

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If Only I knew about lightning…

Who doesn’t love a lightning storm?  I am always mesmerized by the electrical energy coursing through the sky and the beautiful display of power.  Often, we just enjoy this fascinating natural phenomenon, but sometimes there is more to know. Technically speaking, lightning is a massive discharge of atmospheric electricity that occurs when there is a

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If Only watermelons were safe…

As we start to see the potential for the heat of summer to dissipate, we are also in our last dash to have the ultimate hero of hydration and taste – the watermelon.  With their vibrant green exterior and juicy, ruby-red center, watermelons are the symbol of summer, heat, refreshment and indulgence.  Watermelons are nature’s

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If Only I knew how to Pack…

Well, reader, you are in luck!  Not to brag, but I am truly a master-packer.  How did I obtain such a lofty status you may ask?  I have traveled a tremendous amount for both work and excitement and have packing for a full week in a carry-on down to a science.  Let me share some

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If Only I was a Pirate…

How do pirates prefer to communicate? Aye to aye! No really, I wish I was a pirate!  Not that I plan to give up an eye and leg, or a hand for that matter, but who doesn’t love a pirate?  Seeing how September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, I want to get

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