If Only I hadn’t packed that…


My friend gave me Corky – a wine bottle opener shaped like a parrot – on a recent trip to Dallas, TX.  It’s quite cute and I didn’t even think about carrying a now-weapon through security at the airport.  When TSA ungenerously refused his passage, I hustled to check my bag rather than send Corky to never-never land.   

Other prized possessions have not been as fortunate as Corky.  I recently learned that never-never land is not a utopia, it is actually GovDeals.com.  In some states, the airports send your once treasured treasures to an online auction platform that sells them in bulk.  I suppose this is a better outcome than a landfill, but it does seem odd that you take the time to pack something and now some stranger anywhere in the country can buy your things for pennies on the dollar.

Imagine buying a large, random, box of Leatherman toolkits for $535, the current bid, when the starting price for just one is 60 bucks.  TSA does not allow tools with a sharp blade or anything over 7 inches long in your carry-on luggage.  So, GovDeals sells all kinds of tools and knives that folks genuinely felt the need to bring on holiday.

I had some fun exploring the auction site; it seems like a wacky version of eBay.  GovDeals.com is designed to provide a transparent and efficient way for government agencies to dispose of stuff, your stuff.  They sell confiscated, surplus, or used objects, and the items up for bid range from supplies and computer bags to Cartier jewelry to Bentley cars.  I found the old firetrucks interesting and a juxtaposition to the reams of paper.  The government agency or municipality sells directly to the bidder, so you don’t worry about being swindled, but the disclosures and rules definitely are not for the faint of heart. 

Packing for a trip can be a bit overwhelming, but it is a necessary evil for a fun and exciting adventure.  Just be careful what you pack…


Leatherman tools

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