If Only I knew how caffeine really affects me…

Photo courtesy of Gratisography

The last blog post (Morning Beverage) was all about what we choose as our morning ritual to wake us up after we wake up.  To get the pep in the step we seek, we imbibe a tasty treat that gives us a dose (or two) of caffeine to get the job done.  So why do you need your morning boost?  Would it surprise you to learn that you may already be experiencing withdrawal symptoms from the day before?  Yep, it’s that quick.

Let’s talk timing, shall we?  Once you consume the caffeine, it takes about 30 minutes to reach the peak level and do the good stuff – feel more awake and aware, improve brain function, and boost your energy level.  The half-life of caffeine, the time it takes to process one-half of the caffeine in the body, is about 4 hours, depending on things such as age, weight, liver function, and other factors.  Then, to fully metabolize and clear the caffeine takes around 12 hours or so in total.  Just in time to go to bed if you start early enough.

Those other factors?  Smokers tend to have a shorter half-life of about 3 hours.  In contrast, pregnant women’s half-life can be as much as 10 ½ hours during the final 4 weeks of pregnancy.  Non-pregnant women, if they are on birth control pills, can have the total life of caffeine be extend up to another 4 hours over the 12 hours.

It’s a dirty word – withdrawal.  Some typical side effects of not staying on the caffeine train include a throbbing headache, irritability, fatigue, depressed mood, and difficulty concentrating.  Those things can kick in 12 – 24 hours after stopping or drastically reducing your milligrams.  Well, until the next fix.  So, when you wake up feeling like a grump and a bit fuzzy, it may actually be caffeine withdrawal and not your regular morning disposition.  And then it’s all better once you have the cup of joe…

If Only Extra – Ever heard of a “coffee nap”?  There is science and research studies suggesting the time from consumption to peak level of caffeine effects is the perfect time for a catnap.  Rest for up to those 30 minutes and you will wake up feeling refreshed and alert as the caffeine kicks in.   

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