Eggcellent idioms are hard to beat! And if you put all of your eggs in one basket, you may end up with egg on your face. But what do you really know about eggs, other than they are served at Denny’s in 50 different combinations with 4 other ingredients?
Those little ovals are truly a universal source of nutrition and are available pretty much everywhere. I have eaten eggs across the globe, with almost every meal while in Thailand and at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. I did feel sorry for the guy whose sole job was to carry the eggs for the week-long trek up and down the mountain. If he didn’t have good balance, we certainly would have been walking on eggshells.
Wanna know how many eggs are consumed in a particular region? I found this cool website that shows the average egg consumption per capita per year by region. You choose the regions and hit play to show the year-over-year changes from 1961 to 2020. Spoiler alert: almost every region’s consumption went up over the years.
So as you start your day, eggs are eggs-axactly what you need, a superpower of nutrition. After you get past the alphabet of vitamins and minerals, the eggs encase omegas and protein. It’s the protein power punch that should get you egg-cited. If you eat the whole egg, 48% of the protein is converted successfully and goes directly to your muscles and joints. Sadly, meat and fish only convert 32% of your building blocks. But, I’m not yolking around, the real MVP of eggs is choline. Choline is the backstage manager, making sure cell membranes stay snazzy, neurotransmitters party, and fat metabolizes.
A little shell-talk to finish us out, shall we? Egg shells are a marvel of nature’s engineering, made mostly of calcium carbonate crystals, arranged in a lattice structure. The 17,000 tiny pores in this unique composition make the shells tough but still able to breathe (remember, there is a future chicken in there). How tough? You can stand on a carton of eggs and they won’t break. I’m no eggs-pert, but that’s tough!
If Only Jokes:
What did Snow White name her hen?
Egg White.
A chicken and an egg walk into a bar and the bartender asks
“Who’s first?”
Why do you have to watch what you say around egg whites?
They can’t take a yolk.