If Only I knew more about my morning beverage…

coffee set up

What is the magic potion you imbibe in the morning to turn you from grump to chirpy?  Most would probably go with coffee, but in the South, sodas are common too.  I know plenty of folks who can’t survive without their Dr. Pepper first thing.

Once you choose your elixir to make you ready to take on the world, the level of pep in your step comes down to how much of which beverage is consumed.   Coffee contains significantly more caffeine than sodas, but the comparison doesn’t stop there.  Let’s go with 8 ounces of fluid to compare the number of milligrams (mg) per cup:

Brewed Coffee has 80 – 100 mg
Iced Coffee has 150 – 179 mg
An Espresso 1 oz shot has 60-80 mg

Tea has 25 – 50 mg (zero for herbal teas)
Soda has 35 mg (50 in a 12 oz can)
Red Bull has 80 mg in the 8.4 oz can

Of course, all of these numbers depend on the specifics of the brand, beans and / or the prep methods employed.  But iced coffee wins every time for the strongest caffeine-wise.  Please note, the FDA  recommends not to consume more than 400 mg a day, regardless of the drink enjoyed.

If Only Fun Facts:

Finland is the world’s top consumer of coffee, averaging 12 kg / 26.5  lbs of coffee consumed per year.

Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world, after crude oil. 🛢️

Coffee beans are not actually beans, but rather the seeds of the fruit of the Coffea plant, a cherry-like berry. 🍒

Dark coffee roasts have less caffeine than light roasted coffee; the actual roasting process burns off more caffeine. 

Red Bull was first created in Austria in 1987 by Dietrich Mateschitz, who was inspired by the Thai drink Krating Daeng.

Around the turn of the century, Starbucks was opening a new store every workday.

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3 thoughts on “If Only I knew more about my morning beverage…”

  1. …and it is iced coffee because it steeps longer. I learned this when I was asking about an elaborate cold brew at a local Dallas coffee shop. It has a cistern at the top filled with ice. As it melts, it drips to a container holding a thick and dense layer of of ground coffee. As the “drop” slowly goes down through the grounds it is steeping. It takes hours. Then it ends up at a collection point extremely dense in caffeine – and potent.


  2. Pingback: If Only I knew why it stained my teeth… • If Only

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