If Only I knew why this video of the moon is so cool…

moon in clouds
Photo courtesy of Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

But it IS!!  This super short video is of the moon as seen from the Arctic Circle – between Russia and Canada.  It appears, eclipses the sun, and just as quickly, disappears.  Astronomers figured out the exact moment the 30 seconds of this phenomenon would happen in a sea of 31,536,000 seconds a year and recorded it for our viewing pleasure. 

If Only it were real.  Really.  The video was all over the web in 2022 and the fact-checkers went to work to let us all know it wasn’t.  As we keep hearing about AI and deep fakes and all of that, I thought this was a pretty good creation.  Sometimes nature is phenomenal and sometimes a teenager in a basement has a stroke of genius.

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