If Only recycling meant what I thought it did…    

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recycle logo

I don’t think there is anyone reading this who wants to intentionally harm the earth.  We have been recycling since the 1800s, when folks did it naturally – sew a patch on a worn out elbow, convert old clothes to a quilt, or turn in your milk bottle to be refilled. 

In 1970 the first Earth Day was started and Gary Anderson’s design of the three arrows became the symbol for recycling.  Over the years we have grown accustomed to special bins, sorting and looking for the number on containers. 

So, I sort, use the separate recycle bin, and carry a reusable bottle when I travel.  Am I doing everything I can?  Will Mother Earth still love me?

Greenpeace issued a report October 24, 2022 Circular Claims Fall Flat Again, that is not good news for those who desperately want all things to be recycled. Not only are we far from 100%, but of the 51 million tons of plastic waste from US households, just 2.4m, or 5%, was recycled.  The report focuses on the difficulty of recycling plastic and the sad truth that it’s not easy or economical and can be environmentally harmful.    

I know China took care of our recycle for a while, but learned they banned the import of foreign “trash” a few years ago.  They were taking at least half of the world’s recycling and they shut their doors.  So, what are cities and municipalities doing now?  Unfortunately, many have taken to dumping the recyclables in with the regular old trash in the landfills.  Not good.  Our city officially no longer recycles, but still lets you use a separate bin.  Good optics?  Bad business.

What can you do?  Stop using plastic, if that is even possible.  Use a washable water bottle, refill whenever you can, and be mindful.

To read the Greenpeace Report, click below:

New Greenpeace Report: Plastic Recycling Is A Dead-End Street—Year After Year, Plastic Recycling Declines Even as Plastic Waste Increases  – Greenpeace USA

That’s in the US, but have you seen what the world is doing in terms of recycling plastic? Visual Capitalist recently posted Visualizing Mismanaged Plastic Waste by Country. The visual of the water bottle is so telling! Look for the little black sliver on the right side for all of North America, not just the US. We want to do our part, always. Maybe Mother Earth wants us to help our neighbors do theirs?

Visualizing Mismanaged Plastic Waste by Country (visualcapitalist.com)

Visual Capitalist recycle by country

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