If Only there was a video that could make me laugh…


The other day my editor sent me a link to an old YouTube compilation video that had me in hysterics.  I can admit, I was ugly-cry-laughing for over five minutes.

Ameriquest Mortgage was the largest privately held mortgage lender in the US and the largest subprime lender at one point in time.  They spent millions on an ad campaign created by the DDB Los Angeles advertising agency for the 2005 Super Bowl.  The tagline “Don’t Judge Too Quickly” is to remind viewers that the mortgage company will consider just about any request for a home loan.  And while the ad campaign won an award in Cannes that year, it did not in fact guarantee success for Ameriquest.  They apparently were not judge-y enough as they closed shop in 2006 with all remaining assets being sold to Citibank.  Let’s just hope the clever folks from DDB keep rolling out top-notch clever humor. 

So, be prepared to laugh out loud:

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