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If only I knew the power of baking soda…
In the realm of kitchen essentials, baking soda is a humble yet versatile champion.  This seemingly ordinary white powder is technically sodium bicarbonate,...
If Only there was real irony…
And there really is; is that the irony of it?  Why is “abbreviation” such a long word? I’m on a whiskey diet.  I’ve lost three days already....
If Only I knew what a Rickroll was…
In the vast landscape of internet humor, few pranks have reached the iconic status of Rickrolling.  Originating on the 4chan imageboard in the mid...
Basket of eggs
If Only I knew more about eggs…
Eggcellent idioms are hard to beat! And if you put all of your eggs in one basket, you may end up with egg on your face.  But what do you really know...
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