If only I knew the power of baking soda…

In the realm of kitchen essentials, baking soda is a humble yet versatile champion.  This seemingly ordinary white powder is technically sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3; composed of sodium, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen.  It is non-toxic, biodegradable, and alkaline, a simple but effective substance!  But do you know what all this base can be used for, even beyond the kitchen fridge? (Spoiler alert – the base alkaline part is key)

First is the fundamental reason it is in the kitchen – to cook with.  Baking soda is a leavening agent that brings the base to other ingredients’ acidity, allowing dough to rise.  It helps get that perfect golden brown color for your bagel, but it also helps get the light fluffiness you want in cakes and cookies.

Baking soda is literally a firefighter in a box.  In emergencies, it transforms into a makeshift fire extinguisher because of its ability to release carbon dioxide when heated (similar to baking).  It can be sprinkled onto small grease or electrical fires to help quell the flames. 

Beyond the kitchen, the soda turns into a potent yet gentle cleaning agent.  Its fine abrasive texture makes it an ideal scrubber without damage.  Mix it with water to create a versatile paste that effortlessly cleans kitchen appliances, countertops, and even grout.  Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to an eco-friendly cleaning solution.

Taking that across the kitchen and to the appliances, running an empty cycle with baking soda in your dishwasher or coffee maker can clear out the gunk and let appliances get back to their respective jobs.   Even pouring a quarter cup of soda down the drain, followed by hot water, will keep the pipes free and clear of clogs. 

While baking soda has all these great uses, it can also just be fun.  My first recollection of baking soda was in elementary school when we had to make a volcano.  Remember that?  Chemical reactions 101.  We built a volcano, poured in the ingredients, and watched it ooze all over the place.  The ingredients for a full volcanic mess are water, vinegar, baking soda, dish soap, and coloring; the following short videos show the simplest of experiments. 

Our science teachers were thrilled we learned about chemical reactions, but really, it was fun to make a mess.  

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3 thoughts on “If only I knew the power of baking soda…”

  1. Recently my husband thought our garbage disposal was broken due to SLOW draining. I used 1/2 C baking soda, followed by 1 quart water ( did this twice); it worked so well I did all drains in the house! And thanks for fire tip.

  2. I too forgot about the school volcanos thank you for the reminder! I’ve used it to help clean up spills on the carpet. Pouring it on car upholstery and letting it sit overnight and vacuuming it up the next morning help get rid of bad smells in cars.

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